Hey Everybody,
I've been trying to help out some early Stratis holders who lost their coins and I need your support. Basically what happened is they mistakenly sent STRAT to a START (Startcoin) address and couldn't get them back. STRAT and START are literally almost the same word, and spell check sometimes corrects the former to the latter. I think it's very to easy to understand and sympathize with the people who lost the coins, but some individuals in here have been very insulting about this, so I just want to reiterate:
I haven't lost any of my coins. I'm just trying to help some people out. Please refrain from negative comments and if you don't think it's worthy, pretend you never read this.
Back in August, this user lost over 20k STRAT:
https://chainz.cryptoid.info/strat/address.dws?sSura3QpFCbEPtbspj4aGKeigBx3qDDR1z.htmIn exchange bittrex have the currency of a similar name. The name is start, I do not care stratis sent to the accept the start address, this is two completely different virtual currency why can be accepted?
? And in the block chain, why would there be such a wallet? Before I send stratis this wallet is not, and after I sent stratis to this wallet is automatically created, this is how it happened? If the address is not right, should not be returned?
My stratis wallet address: SYKhLNADPr2zEZd2LY6Coxv7tBkoP3bdyX
I sent the wrong address (the address is coin START): sSura3QpFCbEPtbspj4aGKeigBx3qDDR1z
Please compensate me for the loss of 20151 stratis to my stratis wallet address or to help me get back, thank you
In November, the same thing happened to cryptodv:
https://chainz.cryptoid.info/strat/tx.dws?721c8447a9d021d6ad3ca39ce99e792b6d89423034de0cbed90d1296574e8315.htmWell I have 22k Stratis Coins stuck at a Start address unredeemed. Any super cryptographers out there? I'll give you $25K.
And probably there are several more who fell victim to this:
Let me know if you find a way! Did the same exact thing!
I've been waiting to hear back from Krushang who said he was working on a solution, but it's been over a month now so I'm trying to gather community support:
Sorry i have been very busy. I have someone working on a method to retrieve the coins as we have a few individuals that have STRAT to a startcoin deposit address. i will update you on the progress later this week.
Krushang Patel
According to cryptodv, Bittrex has been responsive in trying to figure out a solution so here is what I'm proposing.
- Get a list of Startcoin addresses generated by Bittrex or other exchanges.
- Have a claims period where anyone can submit a STRAT txn such as the 2 listed above where the recipient address matches one of the exchange-generated addresses and the coins were never redeemed, along with a signed message proving ownership of the sending address.
- Reverse any qualifying txns at the next hard fork.
Thank you very much for your support. I truly feel that taking action such as this to restore some early adopters will created additional good will about this great project.