If anyone can solve video selfie verification for bet365 please let's contact me.
Open your own topic in services, it's unlikely someone will come to this old topic with the exact thing you need.
With that being said I would warn everyone against trying to facilitate a KYC for a total stranger on the internet, you simply have no idea what you might get dragged into, it might be a harmful thing of someone who is from a banned country or some far more illegal.
Plus, again, what are you going to do if they ask fro this proof one year later and you can't get hold of the one that did the video the first time?
because banks or companies now either ask the customer to send them an audio recording, passport, identity card, or driver's license, or for one of them to hold and take a selfie, or to write a paper that contains today's date, name, and the rest of the details, and holding it, and then take a selfie
I've never been asked by a bank to provide more than my ID at the counter and I haven't heard of anything other than a video call if you can convince them you're unable to go to a local branch, never selfie, pictures with paper, or anything like that, I doubt they are even legal in the EU!