We hope this email finds you well.
As part of our ongoing verification review of your account, you are kindly requested to submit further documentation to verify your identity.
1. A street selfie: A photo of your face with your government-issued ID (Passport or Driving Licence) and a newspaper in one hand, taken outside your building or street sign. Take a pen/marker and write Cloudbet and today's date on the newspaper and sign the newspaper below the word Cloudbet.
Please note all details. should be legible, including the building name or street sign.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Seriously, is this going to be the new trend in KYC verification?
Remember, back then, all that most services required were the front and back part of your ID or passport before they started asking for simple selfies.
Why would they need a street sign or building name?
I speculate that moneylaundering through the use of cryptocoins and cryptospace services like gambling sites and exchanges might be growing. These new moneylaunderers might also be using fake identification and other fake documents. However, what these gambling sites and exchanges do not know is much of today's moneylaundering is being done through money mules. They are persons with KYC accounts paid for by the moneylaunderers to launder their money for them.