After carefully reading all the arguments, my opinion is that such a campaign does not violate community rules (guidelines) when it comes to inciting unsubstantial posting. As some have already mentioned, if review posts are authentic, factual and well written then they do not violate community rules, and there should be no problem. However, I partially agree with @icopress; it would probably be best to open a separate thread for such a campaign in the Services or Service Discussion board. We should avoid potential arguments against excessive ANN thread bumping. From what I understand, the mpreps' opinion is aligned with this one as well.
I would just like to add that we had a similar discussion last year, in the case of El duderino_'s BTC price prediction game. And to quote words from the big man himself:
Almost all rules are subject to mod discretion. The reason for the rule against games with incentivized posting outside of "Games & Rounds" is to prevent unfair/excessive bumping and "last-posts"-filling except in "quarantine" sections which people can ignore. In El duderino_'s games:
- El duderino has no incentive to cause spammy replies. The prize is a true gift.
- The game has a pretty high entry requirement which prevents the replies from actually becoming spammy.
- El duderino_ very much prefers that the games be in Speculation rather than Games & Rounds.
Therefore, it's most appropriate in this case to apply mod discretion and make an exception to the rules as written; El duderino_'s future games of this sort can stay in Speculation.
So, to paraphrase the same arguments here, it is my belief:
- Royse777 (and [banned mixer]) have no incentive to cause spammy replies.
- The campaign has a pretty high entry requirement which prevents the replies from actually becoming spammy.
- Royse777 would rather have this thread in some other section than Games & Rounds. (I am just speculating here based on what has been said so far)