1. Why are there already 2 million coins in circulation?
2. Why is there a wallet with 1.5 million coins?
1= similar to DASH when they started
2= first pool address, still investigating this, the pool is not promoted for now (but still miner on it).
I deserve most part of coins mined in your first pool as i was the one with top hash right from start .
You can check the statitics of the address SS8pnFPEue5ZesiAH7MAfjAj8uN8NNv6WA in your pool.
Hope i get atleast some part of it .
I will check all payments 1 by 1 and make manual payment for all miss payments. You will have to give me some time for this, my redis database explorer have trouble loading the database. This could take 24 to 48 hours, but it will be done. thanks for your understanding.