Your argument is completely fallacious. Just because people are objecting to one extreme does not mean the other extreme is the only alternative. You are being willfully ignorant and simply repeating your programmed response like a robot. We get it. Sexual harassment and discrimination is bad. That doesn't make over reaction to these issues any more acceptable. Furthermore if you took the time to think about this for more than a half of a second you would see that this trend is DIRECTLY negatively effecting women by the virtue of the fact that this culture of guilty until proven innocent demonization of men is DIRECTLY causing women to be excluded, and very reasonably so. People aren't going to put their careers, livelihoods, and businesses on the line on the chance that they won't make a false accusation, nor should they.
You are talking about a caricature of the USA, not the reality. You are a mindless parrot vomiting up your programed replies to these topics without a moment of critical examination. No one is justifying sexual assault or harassment, and the implication of such is totally a figment of your own imagination that you project upon anyone who has a contrary opinion to your own. BTW you didn't answer my questions.
So the real issue is that false complaints are not punished.
But just because there is not enough proof doesn't mean something didn't happen. Predators are good at covering up their tracks.
Judicial appointments are also very politicized. There is something fundamentally wrong when a political process is used to appoint judges.
I've worked in a number of companies. I have seen the attitudes of some men towards women. They should be afraid - it is inappropriate and unprofessional.
The fact that Donald Trump was caught on a recording and it as dismissed as "locker room talk" is indicative of where the issue is.
I find it quite entertaining you demand proof for even acknowledging that this issue is even a problem, yet you think not having any proof to ruin a man's life is not a problem at all. Hypocritical much? There is a reason the standard of innocent until proven guilty was put into use, because without it the "justice system" quickly becomes a tool of injustice. The issue is not only that false accusations are not punished, the issue is also that this atmosphere of burning the accused without evidence is the main problem. It is a FACT that there are direct monetary incentives for women to make false accusations, among other direct incentives such as hiding adultery, manipulating political outcomes, or preserving one's perceived social status.
Are men and women equal? Then why is it women are not equally capable of malfeasance in your eyes? That sounds like quite a sexist contradiction to me implying women are some how better or more innocent than men.
Regarding Donald Trump, his private discussion was regarding CONSENSUAL ACTIVITY, the key words being "they LET you", furthermore this is completely off topic and just more deranged projections of your preprogrammed caricature of the USA. Have you ever even been here, or do you just let the TV form all of your opinions for you? BTW you still haven't answered my first questions.
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