Please tag lightpulsar07 who is supposed to be the Modrator in ICO forums but turns out is also an alt of Iamsedii.
I have posted the proofs here and even uncovered a face to who this person is: this is getting out nowhere now for the sake of Iamsedi and myself i will prove that i am not alt of iamsedi okay? this is my facebook account and my name is Rogiemar Gomez
now this is the proof that i own the account: also that's why my first bitcointalk profile: was named after me)
and this is the facebook account of Iamsedi: his real name is Cedrick Acuario and we are friends in facebook and also, the admin of
so, now? how come that we are alts while we know each other?
And also between joelsamuya and iamsedi's connection, he sent me the proof that they are different person he sent me the proof that they are different person: the person that he encircled with is joelsamuya
Now about your proof we our address are connected because of this post: Bigthickrick compiled our posts so, to anyone know that we already already shared the post in the forum
Now. I have a strong evidence that we aren't ALT accounts so, guys do you think CaptainLance's accusation against me and Cedrick were true?
And also, don't worry my accounts lighpulsar07, lightpulsar07 and rogie07 were locked due from hacking it's very evident in dates in last active right?