Our Twitter account @atombitcoin has been impersonated by an impostor account @bitcoinatom. This account has been indeed created earlier than ours, however, it had no content what so ever. Once we started posting content on @atombitcoin, this account simply copied our content, changed his logo, wording and other information to reflect ours, which infringes on our copyrighted material. You could take a look at the timestamps on both Twitter accounts and it was obvious that he was copying us.
Furthermore, this impostor created a site bitcoinatom.org which is a copy of our bitcoinatom.io, and a fake Facebook, Github, etc. Our site, and our Twitter Account, which Twitter suspended, based on a false report (from the impostor), contains partnerships with OKEX, Coinomi (https://twitter.com/CoinomiWallet) which specifically highlighted us in their recent Tweet: https://twitter.com/CoinomiWallet/status/946094265863569409, and many others. Both of the aforementioned partners are respected accounts with many followers, and their logos are trademarked/copyrighted, which @bitcoinatom is violating as he has no relationship with them.
We are now appealing to Twitter to restore the TRUE account: @atombitcoin, and block @bitcoinatom as soon as possible.
Official website is bitcoinatom.io, we also have following official domains linking to that website:
Make sure to use only the resources and links mentioned in the first post of this ANN.