I believe they did confiscate all his computers and drives back in Feb during the raid, so they must have something on him from that, otherwise they wouldn't have charged him with it.
I wouldn't take that as a certainty. Once you've launched a huge armed raid on someone and seized their shit, you're almost locked into prosecuting because if you don't, you're probably getting sued yourself.
I can't really judge what's going on at the moment. It doesn't look good for Micon, but then nothing involving being criminally prosecuted ever looks good.
I hope he knows what he's doing coming back to face this. Possibly, he found out the extent of their case and his defense is unimpressed enough with it they're willing to take their chances. Or they have reason to expect a good deal.
But it could be a grim situation where he was just too broke to either stay in Antigua or defend himself and just had no real option other than to come back and face the music.
I hope for the best.