Not sure but FractionalReserve posted this on KNC Forums
www.kncminer.comhopefully this fix is the real deal
Asic Bords with 4 VRMs - bug - cool properly until FW fix arrives!
Today, 04:07 PM
The new asic bords with only 4 VRMs are using to much power.
KNC will release a bug fix for this in next (0.95?) Firmware hopefully arriving in short (Today?)
A Jupiter in this Config will use app. 890W. So it can be difficult to start with a 850W ATX. (You can still run them with only 3 boards conected)
The VRMs are also running over spec with app. 50+ A current each! They probably won't burn, but if you can cool them extra until the new firmware is realeased, do it!!
The Asics are tunning to hot (+70 deg C) as they get app, 0.9V instead of 0.7V as they are supposed to. Cool them as much as you can!!!
The Problem is due to the VRMs not working according to spec but KNC will be able to fix it with new firmware (we did our own patch for our miners yesterday).
Easiest fix to cool properly is to provide cool air, belo 20 deg C is a good idea. Open case + big fan will also work.
PS, this does not apply to 8 VRM asic boards. No worries here.
again found this on knc forums
hope if helps
I pointed this out yesterday and it kinda got dissed by the KNC collective
you don't fix something that isn't broke unless you know everything that can break it