Hey KNC/Bitcoinorama. It's time for an update.
You are still shipping orders 1-750 (or at least the first 750 units regardless of order number). The original deadline for shipping ALLLLLL units was October 15th.
That means in the next 4 working days you have to produce and ship 3000+ orders (ballpark figure).
That's not going to happen. You said that yourselves, that you can only produce a few hundred per day.
It's about time we had a proper update, with adjusted and REALISTIC shipping schedule, based on the state of play at the production facility.
Your pride seems too wounded to tell us why it's taken 9 days and still only shipping day1 units, rather than the thousands that were promised by now.
This "we'll sort it ourselves, we won't say anything until it's done" attitude is costing everyone time, money and unnecessary stress.
Drop the wounded pride/ego and honestly update us.
There are a lot of brilliant people on this forum who could and will help if you allow them in.
Guys can you chill a bit pls? You're just winding yourselves up. This is more than a little stressful, but they are still working around the clock. I personally have had to take a day out as my bodyclock was ruined after such little sleep last week, culminating in such a brief trip to the US.
I'm still trying to sort my head out and work out whether I plan to stick around in Sweden for a bit longer, permanently, or not.
With that said you're well aware that what was achieved was momentous, no one has partied yet, and these guys are working around the clock to have these units in you hands. They have not done anything underhand at anypoint, so whilst one can share sympathy for those mistrusting and burnt by companies before, this is absolutely not what's happening here, so drop the conspiracies. It's a mega hardworking bunch of guys working as close to 24/7 as their bodies physically allow and unforeseeable issues will occur, the best resolution is to adapt fast and remain calm. Sam is still confident to hit 15th Oct. Chinese whispers and ballpark assumptions of 3,000+ orders are nowhere close, so that just generates FUD. There's actually approx a 1,000 units left. There has been over local 100 pick-ups (well 100 units picked-up), over 400 physically shipped, and a chunk dedicated to hosting.
KnC has no covert mining operation. KnC actually has no mining for themselves currently, at all. I stated this before; they may mine dependent on what chips are left subsequent to customer units first shipped out, and what returns need to be handled. The issue there is more controller boards though, as Mercury takes the same amount as Saturn, and Jupiter; one. Where as the number of ASICs vary from 1-4.
Yes there are freshly generated coins entering the wallet the refunds came from. That's not a covert mining farm minting coins to refund. That's your hosted devices up, and running. Hosting is live. The issue is configuring the API to your accounts and that is being sorted now. So those minted coins, approx. 175 were put towards the coins creditied. However the total credited will now equal 380 BTC today, so that's 205BTC paid from KnC themselves in addition to what's been generated. There a few additional coins to credit today as there was a mix-up with some guys in possession of multiple miners that were overlooked by mistake and that's being rectified. Hopefully you will be able to access your accounts very soon, but the pool works. The fact is each board has an individual owner and that owner has to be able to configure certain aspects of each board, choice of pool etc. You are therefore not given a proportional 'virtual' share of what's hosted, but actual physical and configurable boards located in your own physical space in the hosting center; i.e. your own board(s), and thus these need to be individually assigned, and that is considerably more laborious than originally expected.
Hope the above settles your nerves a bit, but understand this is a huge undertaking for anyone, and there are enough bodies on the case, that was never in question, moreover too many cooks would almost certainly spoil the broth. KnC want nothing more than this to be done right, and do care about getting your orders both in hand and online. Please appreciate what's been done, and what's currently being resolved is a considerable amount of work, and that no one is resting until that is complete.
Although to be fair I personally, had to take a day off as my central nervous system was fried after traveling multiple time zones, and sleep deprivation, as well as to hug my unworn clothing I hadn't seen for a week. I hadn't come to Sweden prepared to be thrown head first into this.
Here's a video of how the boards are populated I uploaded last wk, but forgot to share prior btw;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFfAHjSmlZMAlso i'm going to try and make the Stockholm meet today which should be in a couple of hours if I can. No idea who, or what to look for though...