Unicorn Herd bagged!
KNC 400mh 5 cube NOS (legit I got 6 ..two at home and 4 hosting with Maxumark) in hand.
here is the thread in market place.
So if my rep on here is worth anything check it out. (Then again it is unicorns if you think I've lost it I understand)
link (with my post #2 on thread for more info)
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.15757580Again contact Maxumark not me. I'm just spreading the word. I have met the man spent last week at his house. It is legit for whatever my word is worth on here
good luck
edit: sorry guys we bagged NONE on the 2nd batch auction I think one guy here on bitcointalk got 10 of them ...but the whales kept bidding for all 160 units so no joy.
We are keeping the original batch 1 ones we got by dumb luck but had hoped to get some people in this 2nd auction to mess with knc recouping the miners to mine
again (imho) and our not all to whales... now that daddy (sam cole) took the data hall away...my view continues to be we were bidding against knc insiders who wanted
to move the stuff to a new data hall but got caught up with the bankruptcy...thus imho again the super secret way they did these auctions......( I mean this is their sales
thread and they posted zip)...1st auction closed bid ..suddenly 2nd auction open bid so they can see your bid and crush you ....whale wise..I mean really ...do they think
they are fooling anyone imho? Not to mention opening this up on this thread etc and less secret would have got the IPO boys Sam Cole screwed more money...but KNC
is letting them hold the bag on the bitcoin big data farm..so what is a few Titans?
In our defense on the bid on the 1st batch we won...we asked a tech question via the old tech email ..got thru and was told an auction was coming for 24 new
nos 400mh knc titans within 2 days..did we want to bid (all from a NON knc email account) yeah right..it took them 2 weeks after we stumbled in and bid 1900 each
with shipping and WON for us to actually believe it was true...and that was only after venting the bankruptcy attorney after venting another Swedish law firm to say the KNC law firm doing this bankruptcy was legit...the 2nd auction they changed the rules to OPEN bids seen by all..much easier to crush us small fry when they know your last bid
ie ....whales ...... whatcha gonna do? We kinda STILL expected a box of rocks..the stunned surprise of (if badly made) new and in the box ...I still find stupefying...
Anyway again my view is (some of our supposed stuff is not new..and looking at 20% damage rate and or broke/put together badly.....5 titans I think it is came with no thermal pads etc
and they used incorrect cheap ass thermal paste ..so all cubes will have to be re-done).
That was first batch supposedly new stuff (banged out by temps is seems) the ..2nd batch folk who won (if not knc getting their hoard back)
is gonna be worse in this is mostly going to be in my view used imho.
...anyway we can deal with a kindergarten re-do all project with mostly NEW stuff so not an issue....but damn they still don't know
how to ship stuff and also I guess they used temp workers from the snapped screws and lack of paste due to knc having no workers for the last 1.5 years or so.
Anyway salvageable at our end ..but who ever got most of auction #2 is in for a shock (the guy that got 10 I already told him what to expect) and will have
to do a complete re-do or you will be in the sh*t imho..might pay for some of you to see if some of this stuff comes up here or on ebay but be aware they probably
will be moving the crap units ie leftovers of such.
Well sometimes you ask about something else ...and you just fall into stuff.....dumb and lucky...pretty much my only consistent trait since 2013 with crypto
Anyway we went to Mordor and bested Sargon and got New Knc Titans ON TIME (the only ones ever) with the usual shipping/mnfg problems....So from my point of
view I'm still mining and making a profit and KNC is now toast..I WIN so FU Sam Cole...heh ..who'da thunk it
But the stress of venting this stuff as legit and going to KNC Mordor sucked...KNC Sargon is scary as hell wire xfer wise....we musta been out of our mind ..it worked..but 20/20 hindsight I mean really?
Its like you tripped into a pond of alligators and got out unharmed...so you are kinda relieved..but still wondering where your head was at.....we are kinda shaking our heads about the whole enterprise in that light. On the other hand using google maps and other tricks to check out the bankruptcy firm...I can navigate in Sweden quite well as a perk
Sheesh. Anyway with the Ebay corp dump of 1 300mh new Titan this Summer for 1750 and 6 more new 5 cube at 1900 ...the rest of the year I'm gonna look both ways
on streets and be extra careful..obviously any luck I had this year has all been used up escaping knc Modor and knc Sargon's all seeing eye.
again what kinda frigging crypto hi-test kool aid did I drink in 2013 to even attempt the above ..irregardless of the success.....damn I got unicorn hunting issues.
It is KNC (KNC we do evil well) (tm knc) .....anyway hopefully I'm scared straight now on this win ...and can move on ....