if Knc offer a second Titan and ship before October and the Titan deliver 600 Mh/s for 600 watts, they will feel OK.
else they feel deeply fucked.
I like your world of rainbows..unicorns...and playmate fairies.....but it is not gonna happen....they have a NO REFUND policy
now...so they don't have to give us anything...but I like your world view..especially the playmate faries....(sigh off to daydream land)
KNC has funding. Perhaps the reason for their change of attitude towards their customers. They no longer need to satisfy their customers, only their investors.
https://www.kncminer.com/news/news-104Greed's a bitch and she's going to get hers when they screw over their investors. Customers complain, but investors make ppl disappear. RIP Scam Hole.
well could KNC just go to 14nm and just go PRIVATE it seems to be the trend...big farm ..big investors..no pesky eguipment customers...if the investors in their PH farm
operation and funding for the 14nm chip get burnt..well KNC can simply point out that in their likely signed investor agreement risks are these big money investors and
profit can not be assured to come to pass... in that it is speculation on their cutting edge 14nm and other endeavors...(sounds like BFL huh?)...
KNC wins either way...funding and success on 14nm and further expansion and centralization and profits..or if it don't work out...well...these big money types
have replaced US PREVIOUS CONSUMER MINERS to carry the load if things go south..hell makes more sense what they are doing now....why go after a bunch
of small change mice consumer miners like us when you can go after big money types on your enthusiastic KNC miner dream (and yeah they be dreaming did you see the prices on
the KNC cloud)..it is like KNC is BFL now...but know what they are doing on scamming folks..not just making it up like BFL did as they went along...
yeah it is gonna be a train wreck with BIGGER DREAMERS/BIGGER $$$ then ourselves......ah the NEWBIE TRAIN it knows no income level....you be newbie squeezed
irregardless....(prob at the same percentage of income squeeze on false hope as ourselves..just think 'supersized fries vs us regular fries folk...
but well hell at least they have moved on likely to screw bankers/stock market investors/Realtors etc...KNC has moved on to bigger prey...the eye of MORDOR has moved on....
Ah but I got my Titan coming...so..who am I to talk.... (my precious.....)