on that note is it true that the 3rd batch of knc miners (the ones they are selling now) don't have a refund?
somehow i can't seem to get an answer to this (or it is obviouse someplace and i read over it)
If every thing goes to plan then I can see them saying no to refunds, but if miners change from physical to virtual or there is a delay in production then they cannot/should not refuse a refund.
I really couldn't care if they say 'no refunds' in the terms, if they can't produce in a timely manner then they have to refund if they like it or not.
I might be delusional but this is how I see it.
Delusional? What, did you lose too much weight too quickly? How. My dreadmill may keep me healthy but doesn't really address the midrift weight of insulin resistance. Maybe I should get a big blue ball for sitting on at my desk.
Sorry. That was my attempt at a light joke. Saw three photos of Karpeles, overweight on the big blue ball, the photo of him declaring bankruptcy, and a third taken sometime between the two where he seems actually thin. It would appear he lost a lot of weight quickly then put some back on. Almost any effective fast weight loss scheme causes insomnia and an extended period of insomnia can cause delusional thinking.