Chinese translation is underway. Currently putting feelers out on chinese forums w/ preview page all translated in chinese.
If anyone knows any chinese miners that would be interested, feel free to share this with them. If enough chinese miners want the firmware I will begin translating all of the firmware =)
Also, for next release .. upon upgrading and rebooting or going to status page, it will ask what language to use. Currently its english or chinese =)
Loving your mod. Is it possible to assign certain time to certain pool so pool change will occur automatically, i.e., miner will run 12 hours on litecoinpool then automatically switch to ghash?
Yeah, that can be done via a script which changes pools through bfgminer's API.
Can write a simple bash script to do that on the same pi the firmware runs on.
If you have no idea how to do that, I could write one up for ya =)
If it ends up bein really really simple then donate as you wish but if it ends up being a lengthy project, would want some form of payment.
Feel free to PM me w/ questions.