in my calc since electricity is 27c/kw in sweden.
If your 27c/kw is correct it would clearly argue for KnC opening a production facility in Iceland. Since there is a family relationship between KnC and CloudHashing, they might have abutting buildings exploiting the waste heat from the CloudHashing to warm the KnC remote facility, see the profits from the lower energy bills, while keeping a core development team in Sweden.
Then mining products would go directly to Cloud Hashing and sales to the public would cease as the public, and pre-existing customers, become the competition.
It might seem like dirty pool yet a company must do what it must do to survive.
Then the survivability of the remote KnC facility won't be purely the profits from selling Cloud Hashing its miners and the cost of competitive miners from Asia, it's also the morale of KnC remote facility management and production staff. If Iceland is as provincial as the US deep south, management at the remote facility gets replaced pretty quickly by locals as the Swedish management get depressed and quit. It stays in business but the relationship with the home office is different as those who quit have friends. Perhaps the remote facility closes earlier than necessary or gets sold off to or licensed to CloudHashing. The home office reads the writing on the wall and folds. Then you've got an empty production facility and unemployed workers.
(Insert here an appropriate quote from Cool Hand Luke or Deliverance.)
Then what happens is that in choosing which employees go to Iceland they see those with the most children will benefit the most from the move as they are given promotions. Then the grandparents weigh moving as well because the cost of living is better and grandchildren are there. Then other siblings move bringing their family. The grandparents die unhappy in their new country. The siblings can't return to Sweden if they weren't with KnC as once one has moved to a lower cost of living environ, one can't later pick up roots and return, the cost takes a return move out of the question and they remain in Iceland in a community that may now have more unemployed as a result of cheap ASIAN miners driving the remote KnC facility to close.
There is a partial work-around. Those moving to Iceland who own homes in Sweden don't sell the homes but instead turn them over to a realtor to control as rentals. If Iceland is an unhappy place, they return home.