yep they have to go after noob's ...the scam don't work with out volume and numbers
my forced up grade (no refunds and late 65mm units ie bricks) to 900gh of monarchs will arrive months before these new priced units
a brick then (fall for me) or a brick later (march) is still a brick..this new stuff will be months later then mine (aug forced upgrade)
but current ftc,bbb, class action suits etc in USA have no clout and are not enforced (went thru all the hoops) if something actually ships even if 9months or 1yr late.....a pretty big online loophole by regulators ..common reply from ftc etc was we contacted them they assured us you'd get it in 6 months...paypal also said if not in 6 months we MAY consider refund...contacted paypal after 6months no go too many requests paypal had already bailed on bfl
anyway they are going after NOOBs anyone with any knowledge of forums etc will not buy from them
so yeah it is a desperation slam against 3500 KNC units (their monarch is less) and hashfast cointerra etc
and again it will likely WORK in that as long as they get a unit to someone in 9 months and have a wire xfer and btc only policy...BFL will again slide thru all the USA loopholes
be nice to see KNC react with 2.5k jupiters thou...heh