Anyone have any idea why all my Jupiters change their IP addresses even though they are setup for static.
I set them all like this and a few hours later a random miner get a different IP, I change it back, then another miner gets a different IP and so on.
No idea but you may want to look into DHCP reservation as a work around. Most routers support it and honestly once you get it down you will never go to static IP addresses again. Many enterprise grade networks use it because it simplifies management.
Set all the Jupiters to use DHCP and then in your router there should be a section on DHCP reservation. In the router you assign a particular network device (PC, mining rigs, printers, etc) a particular IP address.
So the jupiter boots up contacts the router (DHCP server) and always get the same IP address assigned by DHCP. The nice thing is all the config is done in the router so the device only needs to support DHCP.