Wow. What a devious dishonest statement to make.
No, you wont get anywhere close to that number. What that "spokesperson" forgot to tell you is that the amount of coins you mine is utterly dependant on how fast the rest of the network is. See if you can spot a trend: the network doubles in speed (which currently happens every month), your mining revenue for a given machine is cut in half. Neptune most likely wont ship before June 2014 (thats my guess anyway), so it wont mine a dime this Christmas and it will not mine a fraction of the numbers quoted next Christmas.
Shame on you KnC (or IB times if he was misquoted).
That was a complete misquote. I was fired a load of questions via Skype. The guy wanted to know what Jupiter will make currently, and what Neptune will make when it is released. The guy appeared keen to learn, but knew nothing. So I explained the entire concept of mining and respective difficulty rating and how future coin price and competition was impossible to predict. I said the only thing we have to go upon is today's current difficulty. I said that a Jupiter from October makes between 0.3, and 0.4 coins (remaining in the shy side, and that the November one is a little more powerful. Then said the Neptune will be around 5-6 times faster, but due to the fact difficulty will rise, it would take a diff of 3 billion + for Neptune to make what Jupiter currently does.
I gave him links to calculators, and explained he marketing scam behind the Genesis Block to propagate fear, uncertainty and doubt by continuously compound the difficult to freak people out and ensure a large volume of backlinks to their site. I showed the static diff calls that break the daily rewards down at today's difficulty and again arp firmed that difficulty rises each time a quantity if blocks are sold and as more hardware is added to the network, so he machine has to be more powerful to compete.
The above is literally a synopsis. I taught him the entire schebang about mining, and he basically took Jupiter today and multiplied by six, and then said something along the lines about 'ideal conditions'.
This was naughty, he was even attributing all these stats to me, so I contacted Business insider about this (where the chap was from), and the original article was amended straight away last week (go have a look). IB times have just taken the article and respun it as theirs.
Also i blatantly did not say 50 coins perblock currently. I said 25 and explained the process of the reward halving starting from 50.