People with their finances in order don't leave large amounts sitting doing fuck all when it should be earning interest or working for them no matter what that ignoramus just said.
most previous customers have mined more than 10BTC.. many well over that. Many have kept their BTC in a wallet as BTC itself was 'working for them' or at least still $$ in an exchange so they can easily buy back BTC when need be.
On your other point, you really wanted them to basically call up everyone one by one on the modules?? how long would that take? Everyone was already a bit mad that they waited to make a few more and ship all at once instead of just ship what they had right away.
3 days on the Neptunes showed that KNC priced it a bit better than the modules so they didn't short change themselves. If they were $8000 they would of sold out in 10 mins
Previous customers with a day 1 Jupiter may have mined 10 BTC but maybe they remember when they paid..when a Jup cost them about 70 BTC which is far from a victory whichever way you look at it...and they had the sense to want to not use BTC this time ?
I didn't want a phone call...a fucking email would have been nice though. 1st I heard was on this forum, hours after the things were sold. I bought a KNC machine mainly based on it's ability to be upgraded, which simply wasn't true for the vast majority of customers because the upgrades either can't be bought, or won't be compatible...even the Nov stuff isn't.
As for the Neps, wasn't this a loyalty thank you thing ? The special price (or ability to buy one at all)? IF so, why allow greedy bastards to abuse that and buy 10? Instead of limiting to 2 or 3 each and restocking the cart when they had gone 1 and day 2 orders...where did I remember that from? That way more of their loyal customers could have got a share of that loyalty payback.
People so easily forget that a Jupiter may be mining BTC a grand more valuable than when paid for, but the price in BTC is still not likely to be recovered. 70BTC = 70000 dollars plus now. Why the hell would someone use BTC to buy a rig after that lesson? You'd have to be some special kind of thicko.