I'm wondering about the Neptune PSU situation...maybe will be built in?
is it 220v only, right?
type of plug, etc....
i thought they are making it 115v as well, just have to use two diff circuits? god i hope they can get it under 1800 watts so i can run it normally on one plug. realllllly dont want to dick around with the wiring in the house
If you install a 20 amp receptacle you will then have 2550 watts. But you may need 12 gauge wire behind the walls as well.
hense dedicated 25 amp breaker or 30 I would do 30 myself. 20 would be cutting it to close 2100watts is 17.5 amp then you would have to look at initial surge. 20 is no beuno but close. im sure a lot will push it though.