I'm sure they promised us special consideration for buying the gen 1 stuff and getting this party started....any deals on future hardware offerings?
My Saturn has paid for itself 1.5x over and I want to get something more powerful.
Let's hear about some gen 2 hardware specials...maybe something in the 2TH range?
Or send us an email with a coupon....I'd probably jump on that even if it was a pre-order.
I'm sure they would tell us such if they had a clue ..my guess is they are looking at the landscape of what exactly to make at what PH and price and scratching their heads a lot...imho with bitcoin trending towards 1K a btc and the other mnfg out there....what should/could they shoot for? at 6PH unit in march/april at say 8K to over compensate for the dump of cointerra and blackarrow stuff?..they sure don't want to pull a BFL and say 900gh at 5K will work in jan/feb
yeah my guess is they are scratching their heads and pondering at this point (of course hope I'm wrong and the 20ph unit at 5k is coming out in march just saying)