
Topic: Synereo Cartoon Contest - Vote now to pick the winners ! - page 3. (Read 8139 times)

Activity: 261
Merit: 10
Entry #31

Bank robber is robbing a bank. holds pistol with 2 hands aimed at the desk clerk:

Robber:Give me all your attention!

desk clerk (with hands raised) looks a bit puzzled:
clerk:Eeh..don't you mean: give me all your money?

robber: Money? You mean dollars?
robber: No man, i want attention! Make sure all cameras are running. And call 911! And the press!
robber: And be sure to post it all on Synereo!

sub text:On Synereo social network your attention is worth money!
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1050
Wow. More than 80 entries already !
Activity: 261
Merit: 10

Girl walks in room , meeting friend lisa, sitting at her computer:
Hey Lisa what are you up to?
Lisa: i became a charity worker online!

Girl:How do you do that?
Lisa:well for example this village here posted a message that they need a new water pump.
Lisa:i re-post their message, thereby amplifying it. If my friends also amplify it, the message gets stronger and reaches even more people. It is very easy to use, with a single click people can pay a few cents!
Lisa: And i get paid a little too, and my reputation grows as well, allowing me to help more people !
Lisa: its a win-win situation!

(girl has ran away, not visible anymore just the air movement)
Lisa:Where are you going?
Girl:To my computer! see you on synereo!

sub text:How synereo social network changed everything...
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1050
Last 24 hours !
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
2nd entry:-

3rd entry:-

4th entry:-

5th entry:-

6th entry:-

7th entry:-

Phew... This was Hard work. 1.think idea 2. find appropriate pic 3.then edit 4.if not looks good modify it. 5.assemble pic. not easy as it looks
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Frame One:

A group of college students sit at their laptops in study hall. All but one is smiling. This sad soul is Mark.

A neighboring laptop user turns to Mark.

Neighbor: "Hey, Mark. I see you haven't plugged into Synereo yet."

Frame Two:

Mark: "Wait, I thought Synereo is a safe and decentralized network. If that's so, then how did you know I haven't?"

Frame Three:

Neighbor: Because you're not smiling.
Activity: 261
Merit: 10
(i finally got one with penguins Smiley

Fight climate change!

(lots of penguins all lined up looking straight to viewer. one penguin has glasses)
(this frame has no text)

(same picture, but the penguin with glasses raises one wing and says:)
penguin:can we have your attention please...

(picture zooms out, all penguins are on an iceberg where the base is almost melted away and about to topple over) we can do something about this climate change?

sub text: Synereo, the social network where your attention is worth money!

Activity: 14
Merit: 0
I have 2 entries so far.

Entry 1:

Two brothers in their apartment. One is checking his laptop. Super excited that Synereo Alpha is released because it's September already.

Frame 1:
Bro1: "I can't believe it! Synereo just released their Alpha version!"
Bro2: Looking at Bro1 with a smirk ready to unleash his pun.

Frame 2: Close up of Bro2. Face grinning and almost laughing by his joke.
Bro2: "Well someone is definitely AMPed about it."

Frame 3:
No speech bubbles. Just both brothers pointing with their fingers at each other with the "I see what you did there" look on their faces.

Entry 2:

Frame 1:
A man is being followed by a giant blue "f" letter with binoculars pointed directly on him. He is frustrated and stressed out by the spying but he is heading to a particular direction.

Frame 2:
The man reaches his destination. It's an entrance gate with a butler/guard outside. Huge sign of Synereo on the gate.
Man: "I was told to come here if I seek online freedom."
Butler: "You certainly have come to the right place."
The "f" letter hasn't noticed what is happening yet.

Frame 3:
Gate opens for the man to proceed inside.
Butler: "This way please."
The "f" letter stays behind as he cannot enter and is surprised and a little bit irritated.
sr. member
Activity: 532
Merit: 250
#1 - Boardroom Suggestion Meme

#2 - Synereo at school

Frame 1: Before Synereo
Turbulent ADHD children
Classroom is like a battlefield
The teacher tears his hair

Frame 2: After Synereo
Children are calm, serious and attentive
The teacher is happy

Caption: Synereo pays for your attention

#3 - Awkward

Two friends (A and B)  in front of a computer

Frame 1:
A: I keep receiving ads when I use this social network
On the computer screen: embarrassing ads such as "Enlarge your p***s" or "Listen to the latest Justin Bieber album"

Frame 2:
B: (playful) Do you know ads are targeted through cookies that record your surfing habits. It is called behavioral targeting.

Frame 3:
A (red with shame)
B: (hilarious) You could have avoided this by using Synereo!

#4 - Master of the World

Frame 1: In a large control room, like the secret base of the villain in a James Bond movie
In the background: a giant screen showing a world map where all continents are red
In the foreground: the boss of the largest social network in the world that rejoices in his total control over the world
Boss: I know all your desires, all your secrets. Soon I'll be the Master of the World! HAHAHAHAHAHA (sardonic/evil laugh)

Frame 2: On the screen, blue dots appear everywhere
Worker/Minion: Hey, Boss, we have a problem
Boss: (angry) What's going on?!
Worker/Minion: A new and completely decentralized social network that respects privacy is being massively adopted

Frame 3: Screen: All continents are now blue
Worker/Minion: It is called Synereo

#5 - Star Wars tribute

Facebook Logo: I am your father
Activity: 261
Merit: 10

historian in big chair at fireplace, with pipe, memorizing...

historian:..and so on 3rd october 2016 the internet became aware...
historian:...aware of synereo social network. The first social platform where people get paid for their postings by their viewers!

historian:Millions of dormant brains suddenly became active, because it made sense again to think !
historian:The internet suddenly had a 'sort' button from highly valued ideas to worthless ones. literally.
historian:in just a few short years we transformed into a planetary meritocracy. you know, where the best and brightest finally got the attention they always deserved!  It was an unstoppable force!

(shows the enterprise from star trek. text balloon coming out on of the windows)
historian:It got us where we are now!

note:the date should be the alpha release date
Activity: 261
Merit: 10

Robbery gone wrong

(robber holding a pistol while victim (smartphone in hand) holds up his hands)
Robber:Hands up! Give me all your money!
Victim:(completely calm) Ehm dude, this is the 21st century...

(robber looking startled, police sirens coming in on background)
victim:My smartphone detected the hands up gesture you made me doing, and automatically locked all my money for the next hour...
victim:..also they send some to the police to get their attention. I hear them coming already.

(robber depicted behind bars)
robber:%#&&^@ modern times.....

sub text:Join the 21 century! Earn cryptocurrency by just using the synereo social network!
Activity: 261
Merit: 10
Entry #26

top text: How to earn money on synereo.....

(1 frame only, shows a lot of (humanized) mouse, all saying 'click!' each in their own text balloon)

one mouse on the right asks another mouse next to him:
mouse1:what are you all doing?
mouse2:actually we are clueless. someone told us that this would earn us money....

sub text:Synereo, the new social network where your mouse is paying you!
full member
Activity: 162
Merit: 100
Entry 3

Frame 1
A young hippy backpacker wearing John Lennon glasses and sandles is standing in the doorway of an Indian ashram, he's wearing a backpack, and the rickshaw that just dropped him off is travelling away in the distance. He's just arrived in India.
Inside the ashram is a dread-locked guru sitting in the lotus position on a raised platform, facing him is a group of young western hippies dressed like hare krishnas, most sitting in the lotus position meditating.
The guru is saying, "put your attention in the 'now', it is the path to enlightenment"

Frame 2
Close-up of the backpacker's face, he's having an "a-ha" moment. Next to his head is an imagination bubble, inside the bubble is a scene of him sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, his laptop is on his lap, and he's showing the hippies something on the screen, and they're all eagerly peering over one another to see what it is.

Frame 3
The young hippies are seen dancing down the street with tamborines in classic hare krishna style looking over-joyed, they're chanting:

syn ereo syn ereo
ereo ereo syn syn
hare amp hare amp
amp amp hare hare

Other people on the street are looking intrigued, some are looking at their phones, some are joining in with the chanting & dancing.
The young backpacker is seen in the distance back at the ashram, seated in full lotus, meditating with the dread-locked guru, they look like equals.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
Activity: 261
Merit: 10

Advertizing on synereo:

2 business guys in an office, at the coffee machine, one asking the other:
guy1:why do you look so happy?
guy2:I just changed advertising platforms and my sales tripled!

(while walking towards office)
guy1:wow! How did you do that?
guy2: well advertising used to be just throwing an ad out there, and hoping it landed on the right eyeballs!
guy2:we did have some instruments, but they were not really precise and very expensive!
guy2: now everyone moved to a platform called Synereo where i can simply pay them to watch my ads!

(inside guy2's office, showing a company graph going up a lot, even outside the cartoon frame)
guy1:but, that is a lot more expensive?
guy2:nope. since there are so many ads out there, people select which ones they actually find interesting and watch these only!
guy2:finding targets became obsolete, they find us now!
guy2:conversion rates went through the roof!
Activity: 261
Merit: 10

''humanized' sheep, all looking to 1 sheeps' computer on total left who is sitting on a chair at a computer screen, clicking mouse.
(the other sheep are standing on 2 legs , they should do human things like clapping hands in joy, one is smoking a pipe., one has glasses, etc)

all the sheep have a text balloon with : like !

one sheep (the one most to the right of the herd) looks to right, talks to a sheep not shown yet outside the frame:
(points one fore-leg to the screen)
sheep:come check this out isabelle, this post here is hilarious!
sheep:or don't you like us?

(one sheep is sitting at her own computer, facing to the right. holding mouse, clicking)
isabelle: yea i like you allright, thanks to you guys i could just post a video about herd behaviour on synereo !
isabelle: on this platform, people actually pay you when you post quality content!
(little space between text balloons)
isabelle: btw i just bought the farm

sub text: Synereo, the new social platform that pays you !

note:on frame2 the one sheep should still be visible, looking dumbfaced. There are still  a lot of text balloons with 'like!' coming out the left frame.
note2:the 'floor' should be grass, and the sheep use tables, not desks. this gives room for a little side joke: in frame 1 a small cat is trying to catch a mouse. (mouse wearing superman suit with synereo logo). In frame 2 mouse is jumping up and down on cats' head, having defeated him. the joke should be pictured small enough to not distract from main joke)
full member
Activity: 162
Merit: 100
Entry 2:

A cartoon version homage to this scene from A Clockwork Orange:

Caption:"Attention all internet users, there's a better way!"
Activity: 76
Merit: 10
Here is my entry

Please quote my pic thanks guys  Roll Eyes
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