Good question - that's what I want to know too.
Utter garbage. If Chris Marsh actually told you that then he's lying to you & everyone else & here's why. If that statement were true then those losses would show on their financial reports as well as on BCF reports. Tiller Resources Ltd. was acquired by Blockchain Foundry on May 3, 2018 & there is NOTHING about any supposed losses on any financial report either from Tiller or BCF. That means either Tiller & BCF hid those fairy tale losses from the auditor or they never existed in the first place - either way, he's lying.
Why are you even trying to explain BCF financial train wreck anyway? You're a dev, not the CFO - that's Chris Marsh's job. He's already lied to everyone here about his actions/lies regarding Peermountain & Syscoin censorship & now you want us to believe a quote you typed up yourself "from him" as some kind of factual proof? It means nothing.
Tell him to come here & post himself, then he can provide some actual, real & solid proof that this $12+ million deficit that has magically appeared out of thin air is real & can show us where it came from. But he won't, because he knows that he has been caught lying & has been hiding ever since he was found out.
Are you seriously trying to tell us that Syscoin acquired Tiller knowing that they were in debt by $12+ million? Really? That's some track record Chris Marsh has got then - first he instantly puts Syscoin in millions of $'s of debt, then he partners Syscoin with a proven scam company like Peermountain.
Wake up sidhujag. He's f*cking lying to you & everyone.