
Topic: T-Rex 0.26.8 ETHW, ETC (+dual mining) GPU miner - page 45. (Read 175086 times)

Activity: 18
Merit: 0
Heads up, new version breaks (on older AMD cpus?) now with 0.19.3
20201211 08:44:35 TREX: eyJhIjoiZEhab0NhQk91TDNjZ1FpRlptaG1XQjdid25DMEwwOEdDaXBXZC9SYnlYK1B4OXFFUnlURll jOHVXWENZTWdrUEZHM1ZLYVdNTlNyeGZ3WGxFZ1JuRm4xY3ZYc0VPNzloamhnUnpKaU9PTHdZTVR0Rj lILy9lWlYwNDRYUHA0QUE3WjhaUXU3QWdBd21LZzN3OXY5RTh3PT0iLCJiIjoiNndrb0h6cllXN015Q WdkTmRIaU5hdz09In0K
20201211 08:44:35 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:44:40 TREX: eyJhIjoieXZOMHNnVEhlM0VTTHVrMkFQMVpHTUZmbEEyMGF5WHpnM0lGeGlzT3YreVg4SHBoWitxY01 DWW1HWHVYQVk5b1FhWVdSaXBkaHE3VHExRDd6Tk9PcEs1Q1lMNnk3dFMrd3lGWjB4TlB3aWtZekZnU2 9tNFp4VklPSTJuakNsWDlXMnZjY0dkV3RmcnVyRDQ2R2EvVlV3PT0iLCJiIjoiTlF1aUt4WmxvaTV3Q VRuOGg3ajBFZz09In0K
20201211 08:44:40 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:44:46 TREX: eyJhIjoidjIwQUdHUzJVN2RMUnplRmcyNG5ja1pkVEY1VFpwYU1oeVVTTmx3RnRWdnd6eVdLMGk2amp odnZkRjRnczNzTWEyTFF3LzFoNGhSOU5ZbFJPWXBWcFR2N1ozVm41WHp3RlJBYmRQU3krMTVVVXZFb0 N4U2wwOVQ2OHVNY05sUjdxc283YU9TQUU5YmRIRGZGbytDWTNRPT0iLCJiIjoiVXNBbUhYcWljYkVme VRrcjVOT1N4dz09In0K
20201211 08:44:46 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:44:52 TREX: eyJhIjoiK1orbGx0WXhQMmE2b1hNTkxSRXRTQkpYUlo2MHBFa1U1MlEwVGovZERFUzFnWHE1eDlCbHN DWHdCdS9QZ0ZJWEYrdFhnUmJ3S0hJZDJpQkFrZldIdDBHL1l1b3dHdjE3Uk1TTG4xbERwYVRjZFlUYk x3K0xvN1hCU0Q4RURHY2xpdkQybmoyam8wa3A4T1hOUmFFU2hBPT0iLCJiIjoiMDErcmE4bWE4TVN6W XRUaHQvdEVDdz09In0K
20201211 08:44:52 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:49:39 TREX: eyJhIjoiUzljTkJ5dFhEanBwYUQyL2lzMzF3UFZjV01oVFhtYW9HSktIQVBXN3FGVlZnTjE5ZDhqNnl 2UTQzR0FGWGRjcjMwRWFJaG1BbjNJeG1EUDVHWmFxODFlWFZCSmVJd2s2cmg5bU00TzA5dm5MM0liSH VwWU9YZFRMRk94WlViZUU2RUFpb3ZleWk1c09qREk1QUUyc29nPT0iLCJiIjoiUENUMTdUczhBVzg3Q i9FbFV6NmlBQT09In0K
20201211 08:49:39 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:49:45 TREX: eyJhIjoib3dMdDdLL0xFNDdmVVFGcEU0dGYvbEVNNGwxb0Z0eC9nbzR3S0pDM0dINzlQcjhyUTVMdHp mY1dkYXR4Q0RsR0pUbm41YllUaytyTGt3cFozRmo0OXVyWC8ySGRzaGF5VWczWEpqNzc3QU5IaUVJNX hrMlp5enB4SWc3RUZIWTFBcVE2dU9XeCtBU010WVA0dlZJd3F3PT0iLCJiIjoieWZwbTZzWlFtc1BLc DNVNU1aMjlpUT09In0K
20201211 08:49:45 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...

Host system is an old FX processor.  0.19.1 works fine still.
Activity: 283
Merit: 63
T-Rex 0.19.3

* ("octopus") Performance improvements 1-2% on some configurations
* ("octopus", "ethash") Reduce the amount of invalid shares
* Add "--no-hashrate-report" parameter to disable hashrate reporting to the mining pool
* Add "--gpu-report-interval" parameter removed in an earlier version
* Add "--keep-gpu-busy" parameter to continue mining even in case of connection loss (useful if pausing GPUs causes instability)
* Add "--api-read-only" parameter to forbid applying config changes via API and web-monitoring page
* Add CUDA Compute Capability 8.0 video cards support (NVIDIA A100)
* (UI) Various cosmetic changes

Bug fixes:
* (Windows) Miner crashes when using v460.79 video drivers
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
If I didn't, you wouldn't have a reason to reply now right?
On a more serious note, because I mine on my gaming PC.

In any case, adding --no-nvml fixes it.

You are a genius! Thank you very much!
Activity: 1558
Merit: 69
Getting error: WARN: WATCHDOG: T-Rex does not exist anymore, restarting...

T-rex 0.19.1 CUDA10

Just updated to NVIDIA drivers 460.79, Windows 10 x64; was working well with the previous driver version.

Nvidia changed some things in new driver. Why you update? Newer driver bring not more hashrate. I can´t understand why all people update the driver if a new one is released.
Activity: 1558
Merit: 69
Hello guys... I need some help here.

I switched my gpus (gtx 1070 8gb) to ETH after a long time, and what I see is some strange behavior. It seems that hashrate is low, and memory overclock doesn't have any effect.
What I was able to google out is that apparently when there is more than 50% of 1070's gpu memory utilized it starts to behave strangely. When I try mining ETC everything is normal (sure ETC have DAG size much lower, after fork).
So mining ETC I am able to get 33 MHs at 90W, while
mining ETH I get 28 MHs at 115W ... you see my despair Cheesy ... also mining ETH overclockin core have positive effect on hashrate, while overclocking memory doesn't have any impact - which is not normal for ethash.

I was not able to find any solution to this.
So is there any workaround this issue?
Thanks for your help Wink Cheers

Here i give you a reminder. My answer for you in the Phönixminer Thread

it is normal for the Nvidia Pascal GPU´s (all gtx 10x0) This cards slow down with every new DAG epoch, same HARDWARE bug as the AMD R9 290 and R9 390 had in the past.
So there is no solution. You can check this, if you benchmark ETH in Epoch 0 and Epoch 400 for example.

My P106 cards do 26mh at the beginning, now i am down to 24mh.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Fails on Game Ready Driver 460.79

20201209 17:22:39 T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner v0.18.11  -  [CUDA v11.10]
20201209 17:22:39 r.2c8851280f45
20201209 17:22:39
20201209 17:22:40 WARN: WATCHDOG: T-Rex does not exist anymore, restarting...
20201209 17:22:43 T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner v0.18.11  -  [CUDA v11.10]
20201209 17:22:43 r.2c8851280f45
20201209 17:22:43
20201209 17:22:43 WARN: WATCHDOG: T-Rex does not exist anymore, restarting...
20201209 17:23:45 T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner v0.19.1  -  [CUDA v10.0]
20201209 17:23:45 r.99a7206c3590
20201209 17:23:45
20201209 17:23:46 WARN: WATCHDOG: T-Rex does not exist anymore, restarting...
20201209 17:23:48 T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner v0.19.1  -  [CUDA v10.0]
20201209 17:23:48 r.99a7206c3590
20201209 17:23:48
20201209 17:23:49 WARN: WATCHDOG: T-Rex does not exist anymore, restarting...
jr. member
Activity: 87
Merit: 2
Hello guys... I need some help here.

I switched my gpus (gtx 1070 8gb) to ETH after a long time, and what I see is some strange behavior. It seems that hashrate is low, and memory overclock doesn't have any effect.
What I was able to google out is that apparently when there is more than 50% of 1070's gpu memory utilized it starts to behave strangely. When I try mining ETC everything is normal (sure ETC have DAG size much lower, after fork).
So mining ETC I am able to get 33 MHs at 90W, while
mining ETH I get 28 MHs at 115W ... you see my despair Cheesy ... also mining ETH overclockin core have positive effect on hashrate, while overclocking memory doesn't have any impact - which is not normal for ethash.

I was not able to find any solution to this.
So is there any workaround this issue?
Thanks for your help Wink Cheers
sr. member
Activity: 776
Merit: 308
GeoCoin Developer - GIS Technologist
Great job with T-Rex Miner!  I found your miner on a list of Etchash supported miners, great job supporting the new Ethash variant.

I was wondering if you had any interest in adding support for Ubqhash?

Here's some of the technicals to help explain the algo changes more in depth:

Ubiq has quite a large community of miners, but the current number of mining programs is somewhat limited.  I'm reaching out on behalf of the Ubiq community to see if you're interested in potentially adding Ubqhash support, thanks!
Thanks for reaching out. We might have a look into adding Ubqhash support in the future.
That would be great!  I'm happy to help test things out on some of my miners if you're able too.  Cheers!
full member
Activity: 1282
Merit: 141
Any profitable coins that work on 2GB GPUs?

jr. member
Activity: 88
Merit: 1
Any profitable coins that work on 2GB GPUs?
Activity: 283
Merit: 63
T-Rex 0.19.1

* ("octopus") Minor performance improvements
Activity: 283
Merit: 63
Great job with T-Rex Miner!  I found your miner on a list of Etchash supported miners, great job supporting the new Ethash variant.

I was wondering if you had any interest in adding support for Ubqhash?

Here's some of the technicals to help explain the algo changes more in depth:

Ubiq has quite a large community of miners, but the current number of mining programs is somewhat limited.  I'm reaching out on behalf of the Ubiq community to see if you're interested in potentially adding Ubqhash support, thanks!
Thanks for reaching out. We might have a look into adding Ubqhash support in the future.
sr. member
Activity: 776
Merit: 308
GeoCoin Developer - GIS Technologist
Great job with T-Rex Miner!  I found your miner on a list of Etchash supported miners, great job supporting the new Ethash variant.

I was wondering if you had any interest in adding support for Ubqhash?

Here's some of the technicals to help explain the algo changes more in depth:

Ubiq has quite a large community of miners, but the current number of mining programs is somewhat limited.  I'm reaching out on behalf of the Ubiq community to see if you're interested in potentially adding Ubqhash support, thanks!
Activity: 283
Merit: 63
T-Rex 0.19.0

* Add octopus algorithm (dev fee 2%).
* Load NVRTC library only when required reducing RAM footprint for non-ProgPoW based algorithms
* Remove --gpu-report-interval parameter, now GPU stats summary table is printed every 30s. Other cosmetic changes

NOTE: according to user reports CUDA 10.0 build is faster than CUDA 11.1 on octopus for 16 and 20 series cards.
Activity: 283
Merit: 63
do you have hotkey feature to disable GPU in the middle of mining?
Hi, unfortunately no
Activity: 21
Merit: 0

When I put MEM + 1000 will get generation time 10s and hashrate about 26.5Mh/s - Epoch 383. But still I will not get results like 33Mh/s with enabled mem tweak. You can nicelly see it on Nicehash graphs when someone order ETC hashrate how it all drops since it have different DAG size like ETH currently.

Hi. Yes, same problem with 1070 on Nicehash DaggerHashimoto pool. Run 27/28Mh then fall to 19/20Mh when switching to ETC Epoch.
I tried with others miners (Gminer, Nanominer, Phoenix) with the same result. Tried with old and newest driver without sucess (Win7).

jr. member
Activity: 32
Merit: 6
do you have hotkey feature to disable GPU in the middle of mining?
Activity: 283
Merit: 63
So, what OS are you using? I'm trying to find a pattern here because I'm hearing other ETH miners have the same issue.

Windows 7
Ok, thanks. I'm hoping Win10 doesn't have this issue, or Linux at least.
full member
Activity: 176
Merit: 100
So, what OS are you using? I'm trying to find a pattern here because I'm hearing other ETH miners have the same issue.

Windows 7
Activity: 283
Merit: 63
Because u are compareing two different memory architectures. GDDR5x isnt GDDR5 and vice versa. My results are slower because I used default clocks. I dont want burn my house on this Asus Dragon Grin

When I put MEM + 1000 will get generation time 10s and hashrate about 26.5Mh/s - Epoch 383. But still I will not get results like 33Mh/s with enabled mem tweak. You can nicelly see it on Nicehash graphs when someone order ETC hashrate how it all drops since it have different DAG size like ETH currently.

So, what OS are you using? I'm trying to find a pattern here because I'm hearing other ETH miners have the same issue.
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