X16Rv2 broken. Win 7
20200910 10:34:49 T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner v0.16.2 - [CUDA v11.0]
20200910 10:34:50 r.555a9ecfbe3a
20200910 10:34:50
20200910 10:34:50 NVIDIA Driver v445.87
20200910 10:34:50 CUDA devices available: 5
20200910 10:34:50
20200910 10:34:50 WARN: DevFee 1% (x16rv2)
20200910 10:34:50
20200910 10:34:50 URL : stratum+tcp://x16rv2.na.mine.zpool.ca:3637
20200910 10:34:50 USER: *****
20200910 10:34:50 PASS: c=BTC
20200910 10:34:50
20200910 10:34:50 Starting on: x16rv2.na.mine.zpool.ca:3637
20200910 10:34:50 ApiServer: HTTP server started on
20200910 10:34:50 -------------------------------------------------------
20200910 10:34:50 For control navigate to: 10:34:50 -------------------------------------------------------
20200910 10:34:50 ApiServer: Telnet server started on
20200910 10:34:50 WARN: GPU #0[10000]: ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, intensity set to 20
20200910 10:34:50 Authorizing...
20200910 10:34:50 WARN: GPU #1[20000]: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, intensity set to 20
20200910 10:34:50 Authorized successfully.
20200910 10:34:50 WARN: GPU #2[30000]: ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, intensity set to 20
20200910 10:34:51 WARN: GPU #3[50000]: ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, intensity set to 20
20200910 10:34:51 WARN: GPU #4[70000]: ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, intensity set to 20
20200910 10:34:57 WARN: New difficulty: 8 (0.03125)
20200910 10:34:57 x16rv2 block 378814, diff 12.451
20200910 10:34:57 Hash order DADE165098E2C923
20200910 10:34:57 ERROR: Can't find nonce with device [ID=1, GPU #1], cuda exception in [Algorithm::find_nonces, 206], an illegal memory access was encountered
20200910 10:34:57 WARN: Messy shutdown...
20200910 10:34:57 ERROR: Can't find nonce with device [ID=0, GPU #0], cuda exception in [Algorithm::find_nonces, 206], an illegal memory access was encountered
20200910 10:34:57 ERROR: Can't find nonce with device [ID=4, GPU #4], cuda exception in [Algorithm::find_nonces, 206], an illegal memory access was encountered
20200910 10:34:57 ERROR: Can't find nonce with device [ID=2, GPU #2], cuda exception in [Algorithm::find_nonces, 206], an illegal memory access was encountered
20200910 10:34:57 ERROR: Can't find nonce with device [ID=3, GPU #3], cuda exception in [Algorithm::find_nonces, 206], an illegal memory access was encountered
20200910 10:34:57 Main loop finished.
20200910 10:34:57 ApiServer: stopped listening on
20200910 10:34:57 ApiServer: stopped listening on
20200910 10:34:59 WARN: WATCHDOG: T-Rex does not exist anymore, restarting...