To answer to ParmaBTC.
I understand clearly your situation, and as most TaaS investors think, August will be a crossroad between if the project will be successful, or not.
About your bounty inquiry, everyone got their bounty, except you, I really understand your situation since we cannot seem to be able to contact taas team, to be more precise, we can only talk to Dimitri, and we are very thankful to at least have one TaaS founder to talk with us and repeat again and again that the roadmap is going well.
I understand as well that you want destroy everything since you have the feeling to get robbed.
I, for one simple investor, I can't help in any way toward your situation, but I think the best would be to contact Dimitri privately, explain your situation from A to Z, in a professional manner, so that he could forward the situation to the rest of the team to think about a possible agreement for your situation.
As for TaaS price, the market took a downtrend since yes it took a negative trust shot for the people who were reading that.
When the consensus would be reached, an announcement toward the final solution from taas team would help you, taas founder and mostly taas investors.
Looking forward,
I replied to this post that I do not agree with.
ParmaBTC has proven to have already tried to interact privately with both the Campaign Manager and Dimitri. For them (the TaaS team) there is no will to talk around a table to resolve the issue for the good of everyone and thus constitute a wall with which there is no dialogue.
Well, Parma puts the situation in this thread: all investors, for the sake of their investment, should be angry and urged TaaS teams to resolve the issue, and do not do as you wash their hands and try not to tackle the problem as politicians.
Today ParmaBTC has this problem, tomorrow you might have it. Questions were asked about which there are no answers.
Transparency must be demanded, and very much before August, for the benefit of investors, not just ParmaBTC.
Several days ago I prayed TaaS Team to say something here on the forum: but nothing. There is no will. And trust diminishes and falls.