I started with Crypto Last Year in September so before the big run up where everything was green every day. That’s when you think you are so good in trading Cryptos😉
Everybody knows what happened … the little dip and of course I didn't take any profits before the dip, so it was also hard to buy the dip afterwards.
My Question is now when I take profits to stake up for the next dip, into what should I convert it?
Do you convert into FIAT and in the Dip you put it back to Crypto or do you convert to a Top 3 Crypto?
Do use Tether as it should be stable?
Let me know your way
He is talking about shortage, selling at top for fiat, and after drop to buy again same coin he sold earlier at top for much less money. Top was at 19000 dollars, dip was at 6000 dollars and now we are in the middle again, where the price will go from here is hard to tell, everyone has some opinion but reality is that bitcoin price can surprise us easily.
Tether is always 1 dollar, controlled by exchanges. They now have eurotether on ethereum platform, I don't use them personally. I think that earning from fluctuations is not for all the people, I catch this spikes sometimes but many times I miss them or sell to early, buy to early, that's why when I trade I don't do it with all my money. Be smart, buy when price is going down, if price continue to drop more you need to have money for buying more bitcoins and to wait rise. On each big rise sell something, not all maybe price can go up more and profit will be higher, have some bitcoins to sell at that time.