T2. ch sv xmr dash etc zec doge
T3. dGb dcr komo zil rdd mona rav others $300m-$30m
T4. The UNO tier $30m-$10m
T5. surviving classics $10m-$300k
My suggested break down of the TIERS.
TALK cohorts with class Tier 6,
I would classify our group as solid networks originating before 2015. Still surviving yet obscure to the general public. Fun, genuine, and resilient.
Welcome any discussion on tier ranking.
I much appreciate you doing this. You could write your own book on staking coin. I have to confess I don't understand everything you're writing however. It would be good to explain some of it a little more in your posts. I'll make some notes on what I need explaining. I know it seems simple to you and I could probably figure it out if I read back a few pages but not everyone is going to do that and I know more about staking crypto than a lot of people.