C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\sandro\TeamBlackMiner_1_20_cuda_11_4>Set ETH_WALLET=0x8a1E0bE188865f239bC9866d08ae62d6Fa2b181D
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\sandro\TeamBlackMiner_1_20_cuda_11_4>TBMiner --algo ethash -U
- --no-ansi --xintensity 1 --wallet 0x8a1E0bE188865f239bC9866d08ae62d6Fa2b181D --hostname eth.pool.zet-tech.eu --port 8005
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.053]
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.259] OpenCL driver version: 23.20
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.514] Cuda driver version: 11.4
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.514] Cuda runtime API version: 11.4
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.514]
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.514]
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.514]
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.514] Welcome to Team Black Miner 1.20
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.514]
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.514]
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.649] GPU0 0GB added to miner as Cuda device
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.696] Trying eth.pool.zet-tech.eu:8005 (ethash)
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.743] Pool responded successfully to subscribe
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:52.837] GPU0 Started Cuda work thread
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:58.492] GPU0 Starting generating ethash dag (Epoch: 450)
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:58.492] GPU0 DAG generated in 3.52 seconds (4734972kb)
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:58.492] GPU0 Autoselect kernel activated
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:58.492] GPU0 XIntensity set to 1
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:58.492] Shutting down threads
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:58.507] Control thread exited
0m [2021-10-27 21:57:58.507] Stratum thread exited
0m [2021-10-27 21:58:02.514] Exiting
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\sandro\TeamBlackMiner_1_20_cuda_11_4>timeout 10
with TBM 1.20 finally i can make work at least one 1060..other one shutting down (i attach the log) and so my 9 nvidia p104..