Hey, TekHeads
Today, 200k+ has been sold at Cryptsy. Currently down to 3.5k, looks like a buying opportunity to me! Been buying and staking for a year now.
Bought my first TEK coins at 25k as price dropped I kept adding more. About a year ago had 100k, now up to 360k. Keep my wallet open mostly
24/7, as I really do not worry that much about POS diff, trying to catch that magic moment. And I sell some of my stake every so often. As I
acquire more TEK stakes, I make larger block sizes. My blocks, usually stake in 30 days, or so. I am up to 3300 block size now. 2 blocks in the morning,
and 2 at night. Staking about 1600+ coins a day. What OP's say and what is reality are two different things. Not very many POS coin stake at the
given annual percentage. BIG DEAL! I really do not care myself as long as value stays pretty much steady. Compounding works better as you catch the
good with the not so good. In the end it averages out. I have had coins with high rates of returns, only to drop in value so quick, it would make your
head spin. I could not even sell at 1 satoshi, so much for high staking! When I do sell some of my stake, I usually buy another POS coin, and let them
stake. The nice thing is I did not even really pay for them out of my pocket. Just use some of the profits, then not much risk in testing out a new POS coin.
If it works out more profit, out of nothing! Definitely works for me! Actually I like the way TEK works, keeps inflation under control. The wallet is appealing,
simple to use. Not a lot of fancy features that can go wrong. Cool! I am just a turtle, even the turtle crosses the finish line! If you are looking to get rich quick,
look for coins that have a lot of volatility, buy low and sell higher. Then you can invest in more stable coins, like TEK. Or go a buy a lottery ticket for that
million dollar payoff.
Peace, Dennis
Great points, Dennis.
I've invested in many coins over the past year and a half, with long term in mind, and TEK has proven the most profitable due to its high-stake rewards and price support.
Any low-volume coin is going to be volatile, so patience and timing is in order. TEK requires strategy to maximize profits, and that's what makes it so interesting. I had at one time worried that hyperinflation would erode the price, but now that I see NVCS doing its job, I'm completely confident in the future of TEK.
Of course, I'm speaking as an early adopter who benefited from low diffs. But even hovering around 180%/year stake rewards, it is still a great investment, especially at current prices. Compared to the fiat world, these returns alone are amazing.
In closing, there are only a handful of senior coins with solid devs and loyal communities that I would recommend. TEK is definitely one of them. Happy investing everyone.