Sorta new to TEK, I've tried to follow the thread, but too much, so ...
is staking currently broken?
so a fork is upcoming?
a new wallet is upcoming?
yes, stuck stalled whatever none has been paid for about 2 weeks.
yes, though all of the tests so far have failed to yield results wanted.
I might get lucky and get some more help with that soon, if not i guess it is bounty up and buy a fix time from somebody.
gui redesign is being worked on by Flubber , get stake working we can bounty up for it. Here is a preview of some of the work he has done.
I do like the new GUI. Very nice.
Hopefully the rest gets resolved quickly, but no biggie as long as it's being fixed
Just a bit of delay and then a bigger payout. Fortune favors the patient. I'm not, but I can fake it pretty well. I do wish our little experiment over the last two days had worked. Ah well, such is the nature of things.