I've talked with presstab. What he told me is really concerning. But contrary to him, I believe TEK can be saved. Here's how:
- Should a "certain event" happen, don't panic sell. Remember this in the months to come.
- Sell 25% of your staking every month (this holds true to any high-PoS, not just TEK).
- Do whatever you can to get TEK get more widespread. The more widespread, the less sensible it will be to what I heard
And now for the good news:
There is new repo here:
https://github.com/davidlatapie/TEK/This is 1.1 with an addition from Presstab himself; he was kind enough to point me at some optimisation for the 1.1 code that makes it possible to sync from scratch. I tested, it works. Credit entirely goes to presstab with inspiration from Tranz.
I do have the 1.2 source (and could have created a 1.2.1 out of it), but by respect to presstab, I won't use it.
There is no binary for Windows or Mac. First because I don't have a Windows or a Mac and I don't know how to cross-compile. Second because hosting binaries on github costs money after a certain amount of downloads - of course, donation could change that but without donation I won't put binaries on the github. If someone is willing to host binaries, I'd be happy to point them - remember that binaries can be infected though, nothing beat compiling from source).
If you are using a Debian-based Linux (like Ubuntu), you can get get the wallet by just opening a terminal and pasting this like one line:
apt-get -y install qt5-qmake libqt5gui5 libqt5core5 libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev-tools && git clone git://github.com/davidlatapie/TEK/ && cd TEK && qmake-qt5 tekcoin-qt-linux.pro && make && ln -s ~/TEK/Tekcoin-qt ~/Desktop/TEK
This will install the necessary tools if needed then download and compile the wallet and finally creatre a link on your desktop (if you use a non-English Linux, change Desktop accordingly; if you use a non-Debian distro, change the package manager accordingly - yum for Red Hat, pacman for Arch...)
https://github.com/davidlatapie/TEK/wikiFinally, and this is very important: I am not a coder! I am the team leader for Mintcoin and a core member of Monero but I do not code. Softforking TEK is the closest to code I did so do not expect improvement on TEK from me anytime soon - that may happen, it is just not guaranteed.
My TEK address, both for tips/donations and because I believe any contributer to a coin should be transparant about how much he holds (of course, I could give someone else's address or have several wallets):
(you can also
open a qoinpro account free coins every day with not even a captcha to fill - just be sure sure to keep the affiliation link)