presstab, or tranz, I'm reading through the code, something I've wanted to do, but it's a bit overwhelming, huge congrats to you guys that know what it's doing.
I was trying to find some simple things, like stake age, stake interest, etc. I found the total coins and block.
One question is why is everything * COIN, which is like 1000000?
static const int64 COIN = 1000000;
int64 nSubsidy = 1 * COIN;
static const int64 MAX_MONEY = 100000000 * COIN;//100 million
Anyway, it doesn't make much sense, one line in main.h says 5% interest, and then in main.cpp it says 100% but the exact same variable is assigned, no modifications, so wouldn't it still be 5%
I do see in main.cpp that you do some coinyear manipulations, I expect this is where you get the 40% from.
// tekcoin: reward for coin-year is cut in half every 64x multiply of PoS difficulty
// A reasonably continuous curve is used to avoid shock to market
// (nRewardCoinYearLimit / nRewardCoinYear) ** 4 == bnProofOfStakeLimit / bnTarget
// Human readable form:
// nRewardCoinYear = 1 / (posdiff ^ 1/4)
I can't get macosx to compile, evidently it's an issue with maverick and some binaries. Trying to see if I can work around it, gets toward the end, and I get unknown symbols, etc.
You don't want to use Floating Point Arithmetic in the wallet, it can be difficult to get cross system compiles to all work in the exact same way. So anything dealing with the number of coins is multiplied by COIN. This way you can still do normal integer division, but get to the same answer, instead of dealing with decimals.
Regarding the stake algo. This is an inflation control method. Many coins use this same thing to lower the yearly interest as the number of coins and the amount of stake increases. Without such a control in place, the coin would be subject to run away inflation. Look what happened to CENT.
About the Mac, this is still out of my knowledge based, hopefully for not much longer. Unick has help get a mac wallet for HBN, so he may be able to comment. He is very busy with other project too, so try not to bug him too much with 100 PMs