I'm getting some errors: What does it mean?
Hi, "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" from is an error produced when miner disconnects after submitting a block to the node. Nothing to worry about, it's just that the miner doesn't say goodbye so node isn't sure what happened.
Also, exciting news, version 1.12 will be much faster than current 1.11, because I removed some redundant code that was necessary for "proof of transaction". After successfully separating mempool mechanics from the ledger,w e can go much faster now. I'll release today.
Also, there will be a rollback to block 9 due to a double signature bugfix, shutting down my node until then.
Also, I started working on hyperblock technology for pruning and blockchain-less currency:
conn = sqlite3.connect('ledger.db')
conn.text_factory = str
c = conn.cursor()
hype = sqlite3.connect('hyperblocks.db')
hype.text_factory = str
h = hype.cursor()
"CREATE TABLE transactions (block_height INTEGER, timestamp, address, recipient, amount, signature, public_key, block_hash, fee, reward, confirmations, openfield)")
end_balance = 0
addresses = []
for row in c.execute('SELECT * FROM transactions ORDER BY block_height'):
db_address = row[2]
db_recipient = row[3]
addresses.append (db_address)
addresses.append (db_recipient)
unique_addressess = set(addresses)
for x in set(unique_addressess):
if x != "genesis":
c.execute("SELECT sum(amount) FROM transactions WHERE recipient = '" + x + "'")
credit = c.fetchone()[0]
if credit == None:
credit = 0
c.execute("SELECT sum(amount) FROM transactions WHERE address = '" + x + "'")
debit = c.fetchone()[0]
if debit == None:
debit = 0
c.execute("SELECT sum(fee) FROM transactions WHERE address = '" + x + "'")
fees = c.fetchone()[0]
if fees == None:
fees = 0
c.execute("SELECT sum(reward) FROM transactions WHERE address = '" + x + "'")
rewards = c.fetchone()[0]
if rewards == None:
rewards = 0
end_balance = credit - debit - fees + rewards
print x
print end_balance
if end_balance > 0:
h.execute("INSERT INTO transactions VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", ("0","past chain",x,str(float(end_balance)),"0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0"))