"The Geeks will inherit the earth" have just turned into, "Geeks are the new aristocracy", and this is why:
Who owns BitCoins.. There must be some individuals hoarding a large amount, and I wish I was one them. If BitCoins were universally adopted, a BitCoin may well be worth 10,000$, in fact it would probably be worth a whole lot more. On top of that we would have deflation, due to no more BitCoins being generated, ever, and so the value would increase further. If there are 1 Billion people who may adopt this system, and 21 Million BitCoins, you'd be very fortunate (and rich) to own just a single BitCoin. Owning a single BitCoin may be the equivalent of being a multi millionaire today. Having a whopping 1000 BitCoins would rival Gates in his glory days.
The BitCoin system, is perfect, and perfectly flawed. I think we've just discovered how to turn Freetards into Bankers, our new financial overlords.
I have done my research, and conclusion is, it's gonna crash as soon as one of the Hoarders get's scared, and dumps his BitCoins on the exchange. I love the idea, but it reminds me to much of a time when many of my friends got into these "pyramid schemes" selling various crap. And let me just say, pyramid schemes work, when we all buy into them...
I think I will hold out for the next BitCoin, we can probably just reuse the software, it's open source right
, be an early adapter, promoter and make my exit.
Good luck to all you scammers, you don't deserve the money.
Someone sounds butthurt they missed the bitcoin train. lol