it's kind of like propaganda that we spit out about "defense." yeah, we have to invade iraq for the sake of defense.. it's not for oil/money, power and influence over other countries, but just "defense." and if you question it, you get called unpatriotic.. that's the kind of bullshit that you see on fox news.
And all Presidents are not Elected they are SELECTED as they are all related to each other!You might ask well how do you know for sure?Because I am also related to Every President with scientific certified DNA Proof too back it up! Anyone in disbelief? You can look up on DNA registry sites and look up their Last Name and follow what their DNA type and profile is ?and just follow by LAST NAME! just watch it was even on the news
They all come from a very rare genetic of Kings and are related to the Queen that less than 1% of the World population has! In case anyone's wondering? The genetic profile is called R1B Haplogroup M269 Niall of THE NINE HOSTAGES and less than 1% of the world has it LOOK IT UP if in DOUBT! What is the odds of every President with a DNA of less than 1% of the worlds population being elected to office every time ? It's about 7 billion or so to 1 for each President then add in the factor of every President in a row?It's astronomically impossible in ODDS to happen!!! for every Past and Present Presidents in a row too be elected! It's the equivalent of picking the winning lottery numbers for Mega millions 44 times in a row!!!
We never left the control of ENGLAND as the FED RESERVE and even most of America like NEW YORK is actually still owned by the QUEEN!Most people don't want to take the time to STUDY AND READ! THE INFORMATION is OUT THERE and can be Found with Research! But It's the LAZINESS of what America has become that prevents people from learning where people need to be TOLD what to believe? and How to live their Life? They can't do things or THINK for themselves!And want to keep sucking on that Red White and BLUE DILDO In Fear of facing the TRUE REALITY because it's too much for most people to really accept?They can't handle it........ that we are all enslaved by TAXES and the DOLLAR! Lincoln never FREED THE SLAVES he just made us all EQUAL ONES! No one wants to take the time to actually study and learn?It's a shame....They just waiting on Thinking Government will ACTUALLY EVER TELL US THE TRUTH EVEN the President still bows before the Monarchy!Because that's who he OBEYS
Wow. I think I just stumbled into an infowars meet up. We don't need such vast and complicated conspiracy scenarios to know that western governments suck.