Hard to believe some people foresee the problem 300+ years ago.
Maybe he assumed it to happen sooner? Jefferson didn't say when it will happen, he said _if_ it happens. It's the same if i say that "when Ireland wins FIFA world cup, there will be huge party in Dublin".. I don't say when it happens.. i just say what is the cause of one happening.
The American dream is in other countries too... It's not always about freedom and ritches.. it's more like "go to school, get a job, buy a house, get married, have kids, you are doing fine".. But it's same kind of lie because everybody can't achieve all that. Then people are told to blame themselves for "not doing hard work".. It's not his fault.. it's the system. It's not possible for everybody to succeed. In a different system it might be possible to everyone to have decent life but not everyone can be rich.
The American dream was always a contrast to the nightmare of the old world. The one problem now is that American values have now entrenched themselves throughout the world, unless you happen to live in backwater like Burma (which only recently brought in Coca Cola), your society has been thoroughly Americanized (is your country a democracy? does it have free speech and recognition of property? Has class distinction been diminished?)
There were advantages to having been American back in the 1960s but those days are long gone. If the American dream is being able to work yourself into a middle class existence with a house and an automobile, those things are arguably more accessible in Germany than in the US these days. More accessible as a Polish plumber in Britain who can work in the UK for 20 years and retire and live like a king in Poland.