What a weekend of games, it started out with a dud, and ended with a ton of excitement. That was a fun game last night, and it didn't hurt that my QB was battling South Park's kicker, lol. Congrats to all this week's winners, BTW.
LOL, if I am honest I was really worried about losing against Mahomes, I think you needed 34 points to tie the game but the guy can easily score 40 out of nowhere, the worst scenario for me was for the Chiefs to get way ahead of the Raiders and then when they were in distance for a FG they will decide to go for it on 4th and short, fortunately for me the opposite happened and the Raiders were the ones which took the lead and allowed me to get the W.
Also have you guys noticed the Bombay Bengals are the second highest scoring team on the league and they are only 2-3? I have not noticed until now since I have been avoiding looking too much into that team since they destroyed the Q/Cows on week one but that is some really bad luck.