This is complete agains the aspect of a decentralized currency. To make this possible a Centralized Entity that complete decides who can and who can't use CentralCoin would be needed.
You would need to register somewhere to get your account.
Who will this be? Who decides who gets this power
- Worldwide commerce free of banks.
Central Authority that gives or denies access to the usage of the coin would actually be worse than a bank.
- Third nation people will be free from dictators that control the banks and will
be able to conduct parallel economies.
No, dictators would know everyone who uses CentralCoin. Therefore it would be easy to outlaw it.
Governments will not be able to sequestrate your money (they can jail you
but if you hide the key it’s untouchable)
If there is a Central Authority where you have to register in order to use it, the only way to make this possible is if this Authority gives out the keys. Otherwise everyone could create their own keys and use it without the OK of the Authority. Therefore Gouverments could get all Keys from the Authority and steal your money.
TL.DR: CentralCoin would offer no advantages over the current System, but actually would have additional disadvantages.