...We have a very likelihood that seg wit is going to pass and get locked in, but surely that is not a done deal yet...
is the crux of the topic, and the part that you fail to realistically grasp.
There is no "if", "maybe", or "likelihood"; Core wants segwit, thus
Bitcoin will have segwit (
if Core didn't want segwit, then Bitcoin would never have segwit*).
*Again, as reference/"evidence" I direct you to
read the actual logs of Core discussions on how things are adopted into/by Core
I don't have to read some amorphous and non-specific "logs" in order to know that a large number of core developers have been passionately pushing for the signaling and support of segwit since at least late 2016 - probably before the ability to signal the code was even released.
So, I don't understand why you would want to argue about whether I understand that particular point that Core is pushing for segwit.. that is a given, no?
Signaling of segwit has been largely between about 24% and 36% for many months before this segwit2x and New York agreement came about. So, even though core devs largely did not participate in the NYA or even agree to various terms of segwit2x, it appears that segwit2x is going to provide some momentum to accomplish consensus at the 95% level, which certainly seems to be what a large number of core devs (maybe all of them) wants.
Like I said before segwit is not a done deal, so we will have to see how it plays out and make sure that the 95% consensus evolves through these various signalings and running of various codes.
Regarding your assertion that there is some kind of fatalism or that seg wit is going to get done no matter what, you seem to be overstating the case. Sure there may be other cards up the sleeves of core devs to play in the even that seg wit were not to get activated through this segwit2x thing-a-majigie, but that does not seem to matter too much, if we get seg wit prior to the need for them to play any such other cards, if they were to exist.
So, again, I am not sure about the direction in which we are going in this conversation, now, because you seem to want to make amorphous claims about the alleged corruption of Core devs while not dealing with certain actual facts, including that seg wit is likely to be activated in the coming months, implemented and locked in through the efforts of a broad swath of the community - and that is how 95% consensus is looking to be possible through the various proposals that have been made (including BIP9 and BIP148 and BIP141) and how they have been reconciled through BIP 91 in order to get us a decent likelihood of segwit getting locked in - apart from unnecessary negative accusations about Core, right?
So, segwit is the first part, and seems to have been agreed to, and then the other parts might be a bit more difficult and ongoing regarding 2mb increase, hardfork and/or attempts at changes to consensus. What else do we have to talk about? Some of this is playing out, and you seem to just want to attack core, and I am losing track of what additional points you want to make maybe in regards to these other aspects, besides the segwit portion?