Not going to happen. Their general counsel came out and said as much a few years ago:
FUD is generally a strategy to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information and a manifestation of the appeal to fear.
Yeah, that's the original definition. I explained how the term FUD is conventionally used today in the trading and cryptocurrency worlds, and provided a relevant source. Remember, you're on the Bitcointalk Speculation forum, and the year is 2020.
Also, it wouldn't be unreasonable to say this type of speculation about Tether fits that original definition anyway. We're talking about disseminating negative information (whether it's dubious is debatable) and fearmongering.
How will the judge determine this case if they will never show documents and audits to remove th doubts behind the backing USDT? Do you assume the investigations will stop?
You are using the word FUD according to your own definition everytime someone asks questions? Are we not allowed to have the right to express our own doubts, ask questions and speculate without being called FUD? You agreed that Tether is shady.
In any case, another speculation for you. This statement from the SEC is very broad and might also cover Tether and many other tokens in the cryptospace.