So here is the simplified explanation, based in part on my draft:
The block discarding attack
We shall first describe the attack in subsection 3.1 w.r.t the Bitcoin protocol; in subsection 3.2 we adjust and improve the attack to the PoA protocol; and then in section 3.3 we suggest to introduce a fork-punishment protocols change as a countermeasure.
The attack is based on the assumption that the attacker can achieve "Network Superiority" by maintaining many direct network connections, much above the average of a single user. As explained in the previous section, when two blocks are released around the same time, the one that will be propagated faster has much higher chance to be eventually confirmed. The ability to make one's block be propagated much faster is part of what we regard as network superiority, while the other part is the ability to become instantly aware of any new released block in the network.
Propagation of blocks is relatively slow – the average time it takes for a node to be informed of a new block is 12.6 seconds – since propagation delay composes both of the data transmissions time and the blocks verification time (a node verifies each block before it propagates it to its neighbors). Therefore, an attacker that maintains many slave nodes all across the network which are programmed to propagate her blocks without verification and to send her new received blocks without verification, is most definitely expected to acquire network superiority. That is, as long as the network is homogeneous, as the distributed Bitcoin network is supposed to be. Propagation of the attacker's block can be accelerated even farther by composing empty or relatively short blocks, whose verification (by the non-slave nodes) is faster.
Assuming an attacker with 0 < p < 1/2 fraction of the total hash power achieves total network superiority, meaning she is instantly informed of any new released block and her generated blocks always win the race when they are release on the same time as a competitor block. Then the attacker will lose nothing by holding each new generated block until a competitor is found and then release it immediately, and while holding the block treating it like it was already got into the chain, i.e. mining the next block on top of the temporary-secret block.
When normally the attacker generates x blocks and the rest of the network generates y blocks, each one of the blocks is mined on top of the previous generated one, so the chain eventually grows by x+y more blocks. However in time of attack, if the attacker generates x blocks and the rest y blocks, then all of the attacker's blocks will eventually get into the chain while only y-x of the other blocks will get into the chain, so the chain eventually grows by only y more blocks:
Each block of the attacker is released when another block is found and hence it is used to "replace" the competitive block within the chain. So if the attacker mine x blocks, x blocks of the rest of the network will be discarded, and replaced by the attacker's blocks. The total block-chain growing rate will be as if the attacker don’t mine at all, that is (1-p) times the normal rate.
Difficulty adjustment then lowers the difficulty so there will be approximately the same number of generated blocks within the same period, however the total share of the attacker's blocks out of the block-chain is now raised from p to p/(1-p). Lows of economy dictates that the cost of hash-power invested into mining should be around the expected reward. The expected reward of the non-attacker miners is now only (1-2p)/(1-p) times than before, so the total hash-power of the honest miners is about to decline as more miners leave the game.
By essence that means the attacker's share of the total hash-power is about to exceed p, so that the attack becomes more efficient and hence there are more miners to leave the game… the process can halt on some equilibrium or continue until all honest miners leave.
To analyze the exact outcome let b be the hash-power of the attacker, g the initial hash-power of the honest network, and h > 0 the new hash-power of the honest network when a possible equilibrium is reached. For simplicity let the hash-power unit we used be such that b + g = 1, or equivalently b = p.
Lows of economy dictate that in any stable situation, the cost of hash-power invested by an honest miner should be approximately the same as the expected reward. Hence the expected number of (eventually confirmed) mined blocks per a hash-power unit of an honest miner in the equilibrium state is the same as what the expected number of mined blocks per a hash-power unit was before the attack.
Since the total hash-power of confirmed blocks in the equilibrium state is h, we get
(g/(b+g))/g = ((h – b) / h) / h.
By convention b+g =1, so we get h^2 = h –b, or h = 1/2(1+sqrt(1-4b)).
That means the fraction of the attacker out of the new total hash-power is
b/(h+b) = 2p / (2p + 1 + sqrt(1-4p))
for p = 1/4 that means 1/4 of the initial hah-power has left, attacker has 1/3 fraction of the new hash-power and gets twice as much block rewarding as before, and the difficulty is half than before. For 0 < p < 1/4, the attacker gain more rewards than before but less than twice, and for p > 1/4 the equilibrium is obviously impossible, meaning the process will not halt until all honest miners leaves the network.
In practice total network superiority can never be achieved, so the analysis should include a probability w < 1 of the attacker winning a block race. Interestingly, the attack is reasonable even were w is explicitly lower than 1, but the most accurate analysis is complex.
When w != 1, there is a hierarchy of Block-Discarding-Attack strategies, of whom the "s(h)elfish mining" is just the first one. My complete analysis that explains everything will be published soon.
Meanwhile, I want to stress some points:
1. As I said, the attack is currently infeasible with any of its versions.
2. Since the attack is based on secrecy, it is not applicable to pools. Moreover, the dynamic process of the theoretic attack does not involves transfer of miners from one pool to another, but a gradually quitting of honest miners due to unprofitability.
3. The difficulty adjustment is the key point of the attack.
4. On any not purely theoretic scenario, equilibrium will be achieved, and the security impact of that is the increased vulnerability of the system to a second attacker, since the total block-chain hash-power is reduced. The first attacker is unable to harm the system whatsoever.
5. On the purely theoretical scenario where the attacker deports all other miners, she can harm the system by lunching a DoS attack. Double-spending attack, however, is more problematic since the moment the Block-Discarding attacker stops mining linearly, all the ex-miners will happily start mining again, and are expected to gain awesome rewards due to the lower difficulty.