do not send your bitcoin money to strangers, they will fucking steal it, holy lol will they ever
How do you feel about not understanding the world you live in ?
Frustrated ?
I can tell by your many lonely days spent talking shit on this forum
You should do something with your life.
You are going nowhere.
Wow, so many insults! 270 posts for nothing to spread the misery
Ponzi require lying to people about what they are putting they money into.
This is just another weird lottery, lest ones are going to lose.
Yes and that is the biggest problem
It could be fixed by not allowing newbies to create new ponzis or having escrows, ponzicoin tried escrow then the ponzi shut down
I am not in favor to forbid ponzis games; drugs are horrible but the war on drugs makes it even worse..
I think a few disclaimers and a layer of protection for newbies would be improving the ponzi experience
However there should be some stickies etc and warnings for the new people around here. It's no fun if every other newbie gets fooled by the promise of getting free profits.