So far, I've tried: reflashing the the 1.1v-limited firmware, reflowing the FTDI chip, reseating a nearby small SMD capacitor that might have gotten dislodged, but so far still unstable. Before I had the pin 5-6 shorting mishap (hit an adjacent pin at the same time during a reset, trashing my FTDI chip), it was pretty solid, though I did have to reset it about once a day. Replaced the FTDI chip with a new one, programmed it (thanks Mr. Teal!), and was back hashing, but never stable or even usable.
Lucko's cointamination thread have a lot of info about problems and some solutions for chilli boards. I think desserve some attention: start here but look before and after
Thanks, but supposedly the non-Lucko boards don't have the hairdryer problem. Still, I might try that for good luck. Maybe the initial problem somehow duplicated the strangeness of the Lucko boards...