- What is the recommended miner and version that seems to perform best with these Chilis (and even what flags enabled/disabled if it's known)? I'm looking for the most stable, not necessarily the fastest; I'd rather get rid of these intermittent zombie/sick attacks.
- I'm running the 14e version with the 1.1v limitation on both chilis, but one (212 Evo cooled) still gets above 1.1v and predictably craps out sometimes. The other is fine usually (H60 refurb water cooled). Any ideas what I can do? There are heatsinks on the bottom under the mosfets and above on the 4 chips above the heatsinks on the bottom. Should I be letting some part of it keep warm somehow (cold room in winter), or is there a recommended firmware for this situation? BTW, the Chili that is acting up has all 16 cores enabled on all 8 chips so I was really hoping the 1.1v limiation would do the trick - but alas, no.
Thanks for any help!
- Tye
MrTeal and Lucko are evaluating some more firmware versions, maybe they will have something soon.
Do you use any secondary cooling?