Here's the REAL Covid-19 scare. What if Covid was all a propaganda lie, like Dr. Ardis and may others have found out. That means that all those millions who died and/or are having trouble because of Covid, are having trouble for nothing. Who has enough power to cause such a big plandemic that millions die from it? To me, that is really scary.
considering the experiments they do and have done over time I would say that the threat is something that could be really real and that leaves us with no choice but to resort to protests and bring this whole matter to light which is only convenient for the lobbies
Here are the questions, "Considering the experiments." Who are 'they?' Who has redone the experiments to see if they were done correctly? Who has even checked the studies to see if they make sense.
It seems that Dr. Bryan Ardis has shown that the studies, themselves, are often contradictory, and that they show the Covid cures are all around us in nature. Nicotine is one of the biggest cures for the symptoms. And Dr. Ardis's book, "Moving Beyond The Covid-19 Lies: Restoring Health & Hope For Humanity," shows that the US Government and medical know and knew all about 'long Covid', and the 12 to 14 year expected lasting of the Covid symptoms... long before Covid became an issue in society. It's in the studies that anyone can read.
In addition, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and his people - including Dr. Tom Cowan - have shown that nobody has even found a virus... like where you can take a bitty tweezers and 'pick one up'. All of the isolated viruses have been made up by using computers simulations to take parts of materials, and stick them together to actually INVENT fake viruses that are probably not really there (since nobody has ever found one that you can pick up with a bitty tweezers). It's in the studies... All you need to do is read the studies and think.
Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)The whole medical, except the literal hands-on part, is based on lies.
See the Ardis links below.