30 Days in a Month * 24 Hours in a Day * 60 Minutes in an Hour * 60 Seconds in a Minute = 2,592,000 Seconds
In a few years there are 1,000,000 users with the average computer having two 16 core processors with hyper threading.
A million wth?? That's extremely unlikely to happen. To compare, Tor which is virtually indispensable for anonymous surfing (something more important than, and a prerequisite for anonymous currency) has been around for 7+ years now and its users are about 250,000 AFAIK. Remember that we're speaking about users not nodes here. Nodes are about 2000 or less. To compare, we can reasonably estimate that in 7 years we'll have 250,000 casual Bitcoin users, and 2000 dedicated nodes working on creating new coins. I know we shouldn't be comparing that simply, but I'm trying to tell you how fast these projects spread. You don't get a million users in two years for a very specialized service like this.
1,000,000 * 2 * 16 * 2 = 64,000,000 Threads
The current 30 day estimation is based on a dual core processor, so 64,000,000 / 2 = 32,000,000 blocs per month.
2,592,000 / 32,000,000 = On average, each block needs to be spread among 1,000,000 peers every 0.081 seconds.
Now imagine even more users and
thousands of cores per processor.
You further forgot that internet speeds and computer efficiency would be much better by the time we reach the impossible figure of a million nodes. It would be like comparing today's internet speeds with 1995's. By the time we have a million nodes (maybe by 2050 or something?), the network would be able to propagate new blocks almost immediately. Under the proposed amendment (1 block/month/machine), the system will need 4320+ nodes to reduce the average propagating time to less than 10 minutes. In other words, until we have 4320 nodes, it will be "less congested" than the current build, with an average of 1 new block every 10+ minutes. I think we can easily live with 10k nodes TODAY with the proposed 1 block/month/machine, and by the time they exceed 10k permanent generators (if they ever do), there would be great leaps in both technology and bitcoin's design.
The current model is DEFINITELY a fail. With one or ten nodes, the coin isn't spendable and supply in circulation will dwindle over time due to losses and hoardings. If you don't like my model try to offer something better, but stop advocating something which obviously won't work just because you've put effort into it!