Maybe all this is true but it just reminds me of the 1MB blockchain disagreement around BTC. All sorts of technical arguments going back and forth.
They are all wrong about the block size issue. The only solution is CENTRALIZATION OF VERIFICATION. I
already explained why.
The reason no one wants to admit that is because they think it means admitting that decentralized crypto is dead. They think the money will stop flowing and crypto will die. So they fight on making delusion.
Note until a coin scales, the centralization issue is avoided. So when you hear smooth et al equivocate, just remember Monero hasn't scaled yet. And remember I warned in 2013 that Bitcoin would have scalecolypse. Everyone equivocated then and I ended up correct.
What's the ultimate aim of this discussion thread? Are people meant to pull out of ETH? Abandon it?
Hell yes! Stopping funding the delusion! I am not sure of r0ach's aim for the thread though. Perhaps he just wanted to open the discussion.
Or fix forward (if it can be fixed)?
I am working on it. And I am not asking for your $18 million + more.
Any highly dedicated capable developer has sufficient resources to go work on it too (at least to produce a rudimentary proof-of-concept which even Ethereum hasn't produced yet). We don't need Ethereum wasting our money on delusion and fat cats.
You're bringing out your contribution to the industry soon. I'm interested to see what it is. If it does everything you say it'll do then then I'll be more than happy to support you and it, and to see it flourish.
I'll tell you one thing. I'm in software, and I'm yet to see any product released (from any manufacturer or any visionary) that does what was promised on it's first release. Just be careful. You might be building a rod for your own back with this thread. If your contribution isn't super-duper on the button perfect on release you might get slaughtered before you've even had a chance to do anything.
I already stated it will be imperfect. The verification will be centralized. But the PoW will be decentralized and unprofitable. But we will see if I messed up any of the Nash equilibrium analysis. I will surely see this when writing the detailed white paper (for the moment it is all in my writings on the forum and in my head).
At the moment, I am focused on being healthy and coding the adoption features. The coin technology is useless without mass adoption, especially in my design because the PoW comes from payers we need a lot of users of the currency not just a speculation circle-jerk. Such things as mass adoption aren't even on Ethereum's radar.