Proof is in the pudding at the time of the tasting.
Look real good at the name below JanTenner. Wowsers it's coolstoryteller! Also known as TrollsRoyce. Hot damn imagine that? Owns 1.8 million SDC and Spreads fud about bob surplus having a million LXC? The same BobSurplus that he paid to be a group member of Bob's. If this isn't a hypocrite than i don't know what one is. Just remind everyone. Stay calm. He is an "angel" investor so it's ok if he does these things but just remember to do as he says and NoT as he DoeS!
You gonna make me dig through all these threads and find where bob admits to it being a joke and coolstoryteller couldnt afford the 1 btc to be in bobs group?
Trolls/CST and bob have a history of strong hatred for each other. don't believe that. You guys made these guys find and show the "proof" so start digging. Pics or caps or it didn't happen.
![Roll Eyes](
Don't hold your breath mate. they wont produce it because they can't and they will try to talk past it with other garbage. Thing is I remember reading on an SDC thread when this was brought up tp coolstoryteller. He said it was different because bobs want to make money of a coin but he (Trolls) was an "Angel" investor that invested in the tech and to support its growth etc. He didnt deny owning the coins. He just gave a reason why his case was different from Bobs who he was trolling at the time about have a large sum of LXC coins. It's in the locked SDC 1st ann thread page 84 and up they start talking about bobs as pookielax say any one willing to pay 1btc for a pic is a full blown retard. post# #1666 lol he calls trolls a full blown retard by saying that. Also if you have time look through that thread early on. You see longandshort fan boying sdc and trolling other coins. If fact if you look at his and pookies and coolstorytellers past post on their profiles you can see they trolled so many more coins its ridiculous.
The only thing that thread proves is that SDC has been fudded and trolled by O_Omaha, CoinStarX, and GenX since August.
With negates the entire "omg, 8 days in another coins thread."
TrollsRoyce/Coolstoryteller denies being involved in bob's grouo within that thread. Bob asked him to join and TrollsRoyce denied. TrollsRoyce and bob actively have public fights and they both hate each other. One of the reason Bob hates SDC is because of TrollsRoyce's holding. Bob isn't smart enough to fake that drama - he's not even smart enough to bypass a ban on these forums.
Trolls was a very active member of cloak until the internal audit results were released. He is an honest member. He was in charge of the marketing fund and returned every single bitcoin to every single donator. He set up their forums and let them run for a month after he had sold all his cloak.